

Common Carp World Record – Back to Germany!

2006年鯉魚世界記錄- 德國

I am still in flooded of a not ending Endorphipush – I still can not realize which happened to me. And still I have this indescribable joy in me…… and a muscular strain in the arms, which I did not feel ever before…. It was a beautiful sunny Sunday noon, and although on the calendar were only 7 days to Christmas, the temperature had all other as a winter character. Because I had some problems at home, I decided shortly to escape, in order to visit my, for 2007 planned “goal waters”. I decided myself, to use the last 4 hours for fishing at those the sun still shines from the sky.

直到現在我仍然沉浸在無法停止的亢奮當中,我仍然還是不能明白到底是發生了什麼樣的事情。而我也仍然享受著這種極度喜悅的快樂,以及至今手臂肌肉仍然緊繃的疲倦感,這是我從來不曾經歷過的奇妙感覺…. 那是在一個陽光普照的星期日中午,還有七天就是一年一度的聖誕節,當天空氣中的溫度也是一如尋常的冬季。那天剛好家裡有一些一時之間無法解決的問題,因此我決定短暫出門尋找一處可以喘息思考的靜謐空間。於是我決定前往在我2007年的釣魚計劃當中預定造訪的某處目標水域。我渴望著在這陽光燦爛的天空底下獨自享受四個小時的釣魚時光。

Since this water is however at most extreme fishing pressure, I tried to think about all the different varieties with what my friends and others tried to get the carp hooked in the past. I tried to look for something which they have not seen to many so times before. In my aquarium lately I could more frequently observe my “House Carp”. And I noticed that directly after taking and selecting the fodder they bring their self into horizontal position to transport their food to the throat teeth or also to out-spit it. Whilst this procedure, it seems obviously that they increase their attention, because I found, their eyes very nervously surrounding the field and area. Mostly they “stood” thereby easily swimming approx. 1 1/2 times of their “back height” over the gravel from the aquarium.


I explained to me this behavior thereby, that the carps possibly are 100% active with all “senses” whilst this Feeding-Selection-Process. This they do so often that I do not believe in coincidence and I assumed that we can take advantage whilst fishing of this fact of highest sensibility. Even if they just have to take bait from the feeding area so I think a high presented Pop Up would take the attention of feeding a horizontal “staying” carp. It should be as provoking as possible.


Fortunately I had immediately the white Visible Pop Ups into my hands, which I could get from Max Nollert at the germen carp expo. I really had to fight with him because He just had some samples (Thanks again, max!!!!:) The car became loaded only with most necessary and I took of to the 3 minutes lasting “drive”. There arrived I naturally had the luck, that the Spot, which I wanted to fish first of all was free, and second which was shiny by the sun warm coat directly over it.

幸運的是我手邊剛好有現成的白色醒目的Pop-Up,這是我參加德國鯉魚博覽會時候從Max Nollert那裡拿到的。當時候為了拿到這種餌料還差一點沒跟他打起來,因為Max的手邊也只有一些試用樣品(再次感謝,Max!)。我的車上只攜帶最不可缺少的必要裝備,然後立刻開車前往三分鐘車程的釣點。到了釣場之後很幸運地發現今天的釣點竟然都沒有其他人捷足先登,而且冬天溫暖的陽光剛好直接照射在釣點上頭。

Floated of the impression which my house carps me mediated, I measured roughly, as highly an above average fish approximate are and took these lengthen 1 1/2 subject. It came out an approx. 75cm long Hook link, at which I mean to present and offer my V-POP. However as I needed the maximum of provocation, I dipped it also in the AMINO Monster DIP (with sticking formula).

我滿腦子都是家裡水族箱裡頭鯉魚進食行為的的畫面,我大約估計了一下一般鯉魚平均的體型高度,然後把這樣的長度加大1/2,因此子線的長度大約是75公分左右,我以這樣的長度來勾掛V-POP這種釣餌。此外,為了達到最大的刺激效果,我還把餌料浸入含有氨基酸成分的AMINO Monster DIP添加劑裡頭(這種添加劑具有黏性配方)。

In such a way equipped rods I put my two into 4 and 6 meters deep water out. The long hook link I put together with PVA to avoid entangling it. I threw in approx 3 meter distance of the popped hook bait some few pellets, in hope, that only one taken pellet could prove to be true my theory, should the carp not even go directly to my hook bait. I activated my bite indicators and went back to my bed chair. I thought still a little over the controversy with my darling and wanted as fast as possible to come to the deep sleep phase. But hardly the eyes closed, my Delkim was vandalism after only 45 minutes. I saw disbelieving on my Swinger who was dancing up and down. I vibrated my head, because something likes that at this waters after such a short time, so far I held it for not realistically.


But it was fact; my right rod tore it meters and meters of line of the spool…… While running I fall down on my nose two times because of my adrenalin, until I was at the rod, I took up immediately contact to the fish, which was saying hello to me with strong pulling. Apparently it had to be one the large ones of this lake, as the sailed colleague pulled on the other end respect less, irreverently slow courses back and forth. I could really not line up much cord. This game went some minutes. So as I had pulled the fish very close to the bank, I saw the gold-yellow flank of approx. 5 meters in front of me. I slipped the heart into my trousers, swindle made itself broad, because something enormous like that, I had not yet seen… I went very nervous no I had genuinely feared losing him, because to lose a fish sometimes – that can happen.


But to see a fish big like this hooked and to lose him afterwards, that should not happen to me! I thought by myself seeing this massive fish that I could be those big common female. But that could not be – something like this happens to me? I took something pressure of, because of fear it could on the last meters still come to a mistake concerning the hook. It seems that “she” took notice of it and powered one more time with all she had to give in her big tale.


With a big potion of luck and trembling knees, I could however, without danger, and on the first attempt, with socks in the knee-deep cold water, land her with the net. Unbelievable I consulted the net to me and looked from above, no…. no or?! I was total perplex. Gently I pressed the lady easily on the side and the full force of her mass let me shouting loudly. She was it – the big lady. I could not take it as real. So an enormous carp I had never seen, never! It was unbelievable! I immediately called all, which had to do something with our passion and craze. But that this feeling could get once more higher I could not think now. After only 10 minutes 7 people of the carp clubs from this area have arrived. The fish was gently supplied and weighed. But exactly this balance gave me the Rest! Observed from 14 eyes…… indicated it to 38KG and 150Gramm!


German record and common carp world record……….這是德國也是世界最新的鯉魚紀錄

Starting from this time I can do you unfortunately no more reports, I could not laugh and not crying (happy crying), it ran everything only into trance with me….. I only remember to the endless muscle burning in my arms……


But have a look to the pictures on your own and if you like to see the video from it, take the chance and look to the new DVD from “Max Nollert & Friends – best moments 2005/06” which will come out in march 2007.

所以請大家自行去觀賞這些照片,或者可以去觀賞即將在2007年3月推出的紀錄DVD“Max Nollert & Friends – best moments 2005/06”

Tight LINES Dieter Markus Stein

Many thanks to Max for the pictures.



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